Produced by: Jeannie Ye Liu, Kailei Wu

Behind the story

Once upon a time, the residents in Crabby town lived happily every day, until one day an evil spell was cast into Crabby town, causing intermittent drowsiness in town residents.

 Now  Crabby Liu is the only sober guy in town and it's his duty is to deliver coffee to the residents and save them from the drowsiness... In the meantime, the residents will give him a reward for all the delivery work...

Now help Crabby Liu save the world by delivering coffee!


A/D  or  ←/→Move Left/Move Right
 Space or ↑ Jump 
Mouse ClickFor Menu options:
Restart level
Level Selection


  • Adventure the map while avoid injury
  • Accept orders from customers
  • Pickup coffee at the coffee shops
  • Deliver coffee to customers

Level Specification

Level 1 bonus: no time limit, infinite life

Level 2: order time limit, infinite life

level3 : order time limit higher, limit life, death punishment, delay penalty


Download 16 MB
crabby deliver mac OSX executable file 28 MB


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I found this game to be really fun and silly! The jump movement was faster than I expected but I liked this game!

(1 edit)

The jump is giving me eye strain or it might be the camera movement.

will fix in later version